
All Artwork is copyrighted. Please do not copy or distribute without permission.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Old Sketches

These are some sketches from past projects that never saw the light of day.


  1. Hey Martin, as always some beautiful work. The kid on the arm of the couch is fantastic. I'd say it'll brings back memories of childhood to everyone that see it ;) Brilliantly observed. Keep up the great great work.

  2. Hey Martin!
    This is the first time I comment , but I often come to check your blog and I’m always amazed with your work. Really inspiring.

  3. Tom, Ah the good aul' days. When you could waste away the entire day on the arm of a couch and no damage done. I'm glad you liked the sketch.

    Wilson, I'm glad you're enjoying the blog. I still have to get used to the whole idea of "blogging" but I'll try to post more frequently in future. You're own work keeps getting better and better and I enjoy seeing the latest posts on your blog.
    Thanks for the nice comments.

  4. These are great Martin! I remember seeing some from before. Great to see the little Cowboy again. In one drawing you've summed up the fun and fantasy of childhood. Well done.

  5. Hi Dave. Some of these sketches are many years old. I was probably not much older than the cowboy when I drew it (kidding!)
